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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

10 Tips for Shopping Safely Online

The holiday shopping season is upon us, and if you're like me, you will do most of your shopping online to avoid frantic crowds. Online shopping is a great way to snag major deals, but you want to do it with minimal risk. Finding that "Zombie Ninja that shoots lasers from his eyes" toy for little Johnny is hard enough without dealing with the nightmare of identity theft. Here are 10 tips to ensure you have a happy holiday shopping experience.

1. Make Sure the Site is Encrypted
When checking out or inputting any personal information, make sure the web address has an "HTTPS". HTTPS verifies that your connection is encrypted and safe to input personal data. In most cases you will also see a padlock icon next to the web address. This also signifies the site is encrypted and will also provide certificate information about the seller.

2. Try to Use Familiar Sites
There are tons of sites all fighting for your business but keep in mind cheaper is not always better. Try to stick to sites you know. The big online retailers will usually provide better security and services as compared to some of the cheaper sites. Plus you want a company you can depend on if you have to return or exchange an item.

3. Make Sure Your Anti-Virus is Updated
Remember my blog on Spyware Protection and Garden Gnomes? Well this is a perfect example of when to take those safe guards. Updating your anti-virus and malware protection programs will ensure you are only buying gifts, not receiving one from a hacker!

4. Use Strong Passwords
Most online retailers will require you to create an account before making your purchase. Make sure to use strong and unique passwords for each site. This will maximize the security of your data now and for future purchases.

5. Never Give Out Your Social Security Number or Birthday
NEVER give any retailer your social security number! No reputable retailer would ever ask you for this information. Although many sites ask for your date of birth for trend data, it should not be a requirement. You want to avoid matching your social with your birthday. This gives a thief exactly what they need to steal your identity!

6. Check Seller Ratings
Most retailers have some type of rating posted on their site and the items you are looking to buy. Look for customer satisfaction comments. This will give you an idea of what to expect when you place your order.

7. Avoid Using Public Computers
Using publicly accessible computers to do your shopping comes with many risks. What sites you visit and the data you entered is cached in the system. You may not have the ability to clear the cache yourself so that leaves you vulnerable.

8. Check Your Credit Card Statements
Just as an extra precaution, it's a good idea to watch your statements closely for any suspicious activity. If possible, monitor them online so you can act quickly. In most cases, you have 30 days to notify your card company of fraudulent charges.

9. Avoid Gift Card Scams
It's no secret gift cards are the most purchased item this time of year. Many auction sites have people selling gift cards at a discount. Be cautious with such offers. Many people have been scammed with cards that are already used or have small balances on them.

10. Know Where to Go if You Think You've Been Scammed
If you find yourself in a circumstance where you have been scammed, you need to know where to go. Here is a small list of resources. Your bank or card issuer will also work with you to get your situation resolved.

Shopping online can be a great and rewarding experience. Use these tips to safely get the bargains, not more than what you bargained for!

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