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Monday, January 28, 2013

Don't Get Love Sick on Valentine's Day

With Valentine's Day approaching, many will be struck with the love bug. As romantic as that sounds, it's actually a bad thing. The "love bug" is a computer virus.

SophosLabs is warning users about a widespread worm posing as a Valentine's Day greeting that is spreading quickly. 

Sophos reports the W32/Dref-AB worm started spreading via e-mail in many subject variations. Some of the ones spotted include: "A Valentine Love Song," "Be My Valentine," "Fly Away Valentine," "Happy Valentine's Day" and "The Valentine Love Bug." The worm is hidden in files that are attached to the e-mail. They're often called postcard.exe, greeting postcard.exe, greeting card.exe, or postcard.exe.

The worm is designed to download a Trojan that will set up on the infected computer and leave it open to remote control. Hackers often do this to create zombie armies or botnets, which are then used to send out spam or even launch denial-of-service attacks. 

The new Valentine attack is spreading hard and fast across the net. Be cautious and don't open any attachments in suspicious emails such as these. This is the one time you will not want to get love sick on Valentine's Day!

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