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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Coursera: How to Take Ivy League Classes for Free

How often do we find ourselves needing to further our education? Whether it's to expand our job skills or broaden our mind, finding a good educational resource is difficult. There is a multitude of choices and the costs can be astronomical!

What if I told you there was a way to take online courses from Stanford, Princeton, Brown, or 33 other universities for FREE? Yes, FREE! Lucky for you it won't take hacking the admissions site or forging your transcripts to make this happen. All it takes is a site called Coursera.

Stanford professors Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng launched Coursera earlier this year to provide a platform to host courses, via the Web, for an elite education for free. With over 200 courses being offered, from 33 prestigious universities, they have already reached over 1.3 million students.

Will this bolster your job resume? Absolutely! Many have reported that completion of these courses has opened up more job opportunities. And employers are starting to watch for students completing some of these courses. Coursera is even exploring career placement opportunities to further help students.

Will it enhance your degree? Not exactly. The courses being offered currently are not accredited but that is also in future development. With accreditation, surely there will be some type of cost structure put in place. Nothing has been formally announced as of yet.

You won't exactly get your letterman's sweater from your favorite Ivy league school, but you can get the bragging rights to say you took Cryptography from Stanford University!

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