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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to Remove Those Embarrassing Facebook Photos

Still haunted by that picture your Aunt Clara posted of you on Facebook? Many of us have pictures we wish never seen the light of day. With the new privacy updates that Facebook has issued, you now have the option to make that happen.

This new feature can untag multiple photos at once and quickly request the removal of posts from friends' profiles. 

Ready to make those bad pics finally disappear? Here's how.
  • Click the Activity Log button found on your profile page.
  • Click Photos from the menu on the left side of the page.
  • Once you click Photos the option Photos of You will appear. Select that.
  • Select the photos you want removed by clicking the check box to the left of each photo.
  • Once you have selected the photos, you will see a Report/Remove Tags button at the top of the page.
  • Once you click that, you will be presented with the following 2 options

Untagging the photos will remove them from your timeline immediately. To be untagged and taken down, Fabebook will send a notification to the person who posted the photo with a request to remove it. They will have the option to remove it or send you a response.

Facebook still advises you to contact people directly about removing embarrassing photos. With either option, hopefully you will finally make that photo disappear for good!

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