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Friday, November 30, 2012

Facebook Fake-out: Exposing the Hoaxes

Everyone has fallen for some sort of Internet hoax at one point, and there are plenty to fall for. Facebook is the perfect platform for spreading untruths, misinformation, rumors, and propaganda.

So how does one tackle this plethora of false rumors? The good news is that it won't require a digital CSI lab to investigate these mysteries. Let's debunk a few of the most popular hoaxes spreading now, and then I will give you the tools to be your very own Hoax-Buster!

Facebook Copyright Notice Hoax

Posts are circulating lately that implore Facebook users to protect their information. The post states that copying and pasting the message protects the user's information under "copyright laws". As much as I would love to flex a little free legal muscle, this is a complete hoax. Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities is what governs how your info is used. You agreed to that when you signed up. No post on your wall can change that. Not all is lost. Facebook users who post original content onto Facebook are still the copyright holders of that information.

Exhibit B-5: Girl Dies from a Prank Gone Wrong Video Hoax

This video shows a man in a mask jump out in order to scare a poor, unsuspecting woman. In a frenzied panic, the woman runs into the street only to be fatally struck by a car. 

I will admit, I was completely fooled by this one. It is very convincing. However, the video is staged, and all the people featured in the video are actors.

A Facebook page belonging to Cindy Vela, who played the "tragically killed" girl in the video, can be seen here, which includes information about the video.

Facebook to Start Charging Fees Hoax

It appears you just can’t make a good hoax go away. Repeatedly, spammers and uninformed users are spreading the falsehood that Facebook intends to start charging. These rumors circulate every time Facebook makes a significant change. The next time you see this post, keep this in mind; Facebook generated $4.27 billion in revenue last year, 89 percent of which came from advertising. Do you really think they need to charge?

See Who's Viewing/Stalking Your Profile Hoax

One of the most popular scams on Facebook includes applications made so that you can see who has blocked or viewed your profile. Facebook prohibits these activities. As such, all of these applications are phony. Many contain viruses and other malware, so beware!

Time to Load your Hoax Busting Arsenal

Separating the fact from fiction is much easier than you think. It takes only a few minutes to do your research. Here are a few sites to aid in your crusade.
  • - This site is great for hoax-busting! Paste the information you want to check into the search box to see the results.
  • Facebook - The Facebook help center is the place to debunk the latest scams.
  • - A good site with an index of known Internet hoaxes.
  • - This is a hoax research site that has been around since 2003. He also has a Hoax-Slayer Facebook page and newsletter.
  • - There are an army of sites checking hoaxes daily. Use Google to do a quick search to validate your suspicions.
Now you are a hoax-busting vigilante! Wear your badge with honor. Spread the word, too. Your friends will thank you for keeping the egg off their faces.

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