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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Digital Inauguration . . .

I guess before I throw my hat into the proverbial blog writing ring, I should introduce myself. My name is Steve Richardson. A 20+ year veteran in the computer security field with a focus on education. I am a proud husband, father, grandfather, class clown, and motorcycle enthusiast.

What I'm looking to create here is a technology resource for the community, staff, students, and general public. I want to submit weekly blog posts that empower the reader with useful information that relates to:
  • Safe computing practices
  • Latest tech gadgets
  • Useful software
  • Open source and free resources
I know. . .blah blah blah another boring tech blog. There are so many already! And most are as exciting as reading a gastrointestinal medical journal.  I really want to do something different though. The articles will be easy to understand and actually apply to what people use everyday The content will be entertaining, fun to read and just hopefully my comedic style will break the boring tech blog mold! With all that being said, I look forward to the learning adventure ahead . . .